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President's note...


There comes a point where every so often a person or an organization will look at themselves to determine if their course of action is still relevant or in need of change.

Here at the International Press Club of Chicago we have done just that and have made some determinations in the process.


I have been President for a combined total of 12 years now.  I have seen members come, go, pass away, and develop into impressive professionals in the fields of the Arts, Journalism, Public Relations, and Marketing. 


But in all this time, both preceding me and during my tenure, the one constant we all see, share, and have been known to adhere to, is the one of Neutrality of Purpose.  Where regardless of Politics, National Upheavals, or popular vs unpopular movements within the nations we have dealt with over the years we have remained above their latest individual National Crisis de jour!


This single-minded effort of purpose, where we collectively decided years ago to depart from the widespread yellow journalistic tendencies of today’s modern press, hasallowed the IPCC to slowly develop a reputation for fairness and forward looking beyond the many damning headlines of today. 


By making a conscious effort to show each and every country we’ve had contact with over the years, in terms of their Long Standing Accomplishments in the Arts, Sciences, Music, Literary Accomplishments, and even Tourism to highlight their National Wonders we universally reached a point where this organization is a safe haven for trust, developmental thoughts and where friendships are fostered and freedom of the occasional mentorship can flourish! Simply by highlighting the obvious…what has been there for all to see for a Millenia we’ve put on full display the very best of each and every nation which has been part of our national and internationally recognized “Visiting Diplomatic Guest Speaker Program”!


That is, with the exception of one presenter who spent over two hours a few years back specifically on shipping, manufacturing and GNP facts and figures!  There’s always one!


It bears repeating, that by our adherence to end goal whereby whatever is popular, unpopular, out of style or within style of the moment, self-serving or sensational is left at the door, the IPCC is free to look beyond the negativity, allowing our organization the luxury to avoid getting drawn into the latest crisis or cause celeb with our over 32 Resident Diplomatic Missions, many others with part time appointed representatives, along with members of the State Department all calling Chicago their home!


This realization of the presence of good out there has worked magic within the ranks of all our IPCC members as well!  Never before has there been a more shared singular purpose than we have today!  Even with the world in what appears in the press as being in a state of social and military upheaval, our members are planning…currently on…or just returning from trips across the world!  Greece, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Turkiye, Germany, Italy, Cyprus, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, Columbia, Panama, the Caribbean, Iceland, and others unknown to me right this minute!


It's always good when something meaningful works out in the end.


Have a Great Summer one and all.


Very respectfully, Your President for 2024,




(and yes, this is my 4th consecutive year to Cyprus, too)





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