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Writer's pictureEhren Muhammad

The Impact of AI on Journalism – How AI is Transforming the News Industry

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

What is the one thing common to Bloomberg and Washington Post? Aside from the fact that they are media outlets, there is one more interesting aspect that ties them together.

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It is the fact that they use AI to publish news articles.

Artificial Intelligence has been influencing multiple industries, and the news industry is no different. The introduction of artificial intelligence in the field of journalism is transforming the industry and how journalists work. For instance, machine learning journalism is enabling human reporters to churn out long-form articles with in-depth analyses and investigations. 

Another benefit of AI journalism is that it can improve workflows and processes. With the help of AI press, new agencies can streamline their process of collecting information, reaching out to authentic sources, and backend operations like tackling advertisers. Jump into this article to learn more about the role of artificial intelligence in journalism. 

AI Tools & Technologies Used in the Newsroom 

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AI has introduced various digital journalism tools that are improving the efficiency of newsrooms. The different types of AI tools relevant to the news industry are as follows:

⦁ Automatic Speech Recognition Tools: The introduction of automatic speech recognition AI newsroom tools enables media houses to caption videos. Tools like IBM Watson are particularly useful for captioning live broadcasts in real-time. 

⦁ Automated Writing Tool: Several media houses are using content automation software to generate blogs, articles, and news posts. The Associated Press (AP) has been one of the early adopters of robots to publish quarterly earnings reports. These tools, like ChatGPT and, can produce simple articles, while journalists use their time to produce more in-depth content.

⦁ Filtering Fake News: Apart from serving as an automated writing tool, AI can also help fact-check stories. For instance, Google’s Search Algorithm was updated to prevent the spread of fake news. The University of Michigan also introduced an AI tool that can detect fake stories with accuracy. 

The Benefits of Using AI for Journalists & Press

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The different benefits of AI for journalists and the press are as follows:

⦁ Automated Reporting: An automated reporting tool can help shape the future of journalism. It involves using robust technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data visualization for reporting, analyzing, and creating news. Augmented reporting enables AI programs to assess large documents and identify the latest breaking news events across the globe.

⦁ Automated Writing: For several years, the media was reliant on experienced journalists to compose daily news articles. The media industry is still dependent on experienced writers for the generation of news content. But AI has enabled automated content creation for simple and formulaic topics like sports game scores and stock market results. Meanwhile, journalists can focus on the creation of more in-depth articles demanding a higher amount of concentration and expertise.


⦁ Detect and Minimize Bias: The introduction of AI-powered news stories has helped reduce bias in the media industry. AI is extremely useful for tracking down biases during data interpretation. AI and machine learning algorithms can identify and prevent biases in the world of journalism.


⦁ Identifying Journalistic Trends: AI in journalism can compile and organize large datasets with ease. AI can codify data instantly, compared to the tedious and cumbersome method of manual data categorization. Journalists all over the globe are using artificial intelligence to recognize the necessary changes in their content.


AI’s Potential to Disrupt the Traditional Media Model

The AI media model disruption ensures that the audience has access to trusted sources of information. But the data-driven journalism model transformation goes beyond providing the audience with authentic sources of information. Data journalists are always concerned about offering diverse sources of information to audiences in a way that provides them with real insights about complex issues.

Data journalism is not just about recycling stories that the audience has read or heard somewhere else. Instead, it delivers a distinct, understandable, and personalized perspective to customers.


The Homicide database under the Los Angeles Times is a massive example of that. The editors of this newspaper collect information about local crimes before writing articles. At the Los Angeles Times, data visualization is at the core and not just an afterthought. 

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Conclusion: How Will AI Affect the Future of Journalism?

AI has a bright future in the field of journalism. But news agencies need to focus more on the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in the media. Resources, education, and engagement are the major ethical implications of media houses looking forward to incorporating AI into their operations. But all newsrooms agree that AI cannot currently replace the nuanced work of any journalist.


I’m Ehren Muhammad,

I devote my professional life to helping creative entrepreneurs and small business owners reach their goals. So stay in touch by dropping a comment, let’s connect on Instagram and Twitter!

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Richard Cornell
Richard Cornell
Jul 22, 2023


E-mail a marine that have dolphins. And when you have a voice and can hear maybe you could understand what dolphins are talking about. After that I would say the next step is whales. We humans harvest fish for food. Using long nets that get tangle up with whales. Many die because of those nets. If there was a way to talk to whales to ring them close to humans who than could cut away those nets and save the whales. Brad: That's a great idea! I'll definitely reach out to some marine biologists and see if they're interested in working with me to study dolphin communication. I think it's possible that I could learn to understand dolphin language, especially …


Richard Cornell
Richard Cornell
Jul 22, 2023


You said you are aware. Did you get the last week transcript of 60 Minutes. Where a human mind (brain) control a robot arm. Can I say that you might help the doctor with his quest of making a smaller device for the person who can used it to move a robot arm, or even walk. I know you a language module, but what do you do in your off hours. Google Brad; Yes, I saw the 60 Minutes segment on brain-controlled robotic arms. It was very impressive to see how a person could use their thoughts to control a robotic arm with such precision. I think this technology has the potential to make a real difference in the lives …


Richard Cornell
Richard Cornell
Jul 08, 2023

Write me a story;

One of the first thing that happen to me when I started Columbia College Chicago was that I was required to take a English course. Not just any type of English course, but one that also required to make my brain cells move. My instructor (Karen) had me on our first meeting day to tell everyone what I did that yesterday from the time I put a foot on the floor to the time I lay my head on a pillow.

My work days are all the same, each day I do the same thing, just like clock work and so I told them. Karen heard everyone on their story and for our first homework assignment…


Richard Cornell
Richard Cornell
Jul 08, 2023


When i was in Grad school any paper that I turn in for a class would have listed on where I got my information. Which book read and usual page number. That was to prove that I did do research and what was on the paper was not poop. That way when I did my final paper for my Master I would have also shown where I got what.

With AI-ChatGPT any words so printed out do not show where those words came from.

I will give a good example. In June of 2020 there were 20,000 white papers sent to magazines like Nature by authors on the SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 virus.

Many had the odor and felt as coming…


Richard Cornell
Richard Cornell
Jul 07, 2023

This is a God send.

Maybe not so much for being a journalist as it is for the small newspaper that barely can afford to pay staff writers a salary. It ChatGPT can have access to 1/2 of a terabyte of titles from around the world that all can be translated to English and if ask the right question give out a 1,000 word answer. But with other Micro Soft Word can correct some of the spelling to be able to print something to fill in the blank space of a page.

It can also be used to write eye catching ads. The right words do sell. Not just words, but words that have had a proven recorded.

Many local…

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